We are pleased that u're visit to our blog.
After made 4 other blogs, at least i can made this special blog. Yap! blog whose speciality in education.
I choose this theme because EDUCATION is a root of growth. All people need education.
That's why i choose education in my major.
I try to share my experience in education. you'll find many things from this blog.
Start from now, this blog will be our work partner to reach my dream becoming professional teacher.
Why i choose 'Educative Learning' ???
In education, all teachers have various method in giving stimulus to their all students.
And Education Creative is an important key!!
who wanna be succeed in teaching, they should use education creative.
So... Lets become creative teacher !!
Welcome Welcome Welcome !!
Thanks for Coming
Enjoyed ^^
Rani bangga punya temen kaya tika . . .
Tika lebih bangga sama rani..