21 Sept 2013

Read This Before You Decide to Give Up

Today i got  motivation from a pretty young lecturer who became instructor of my class in Super Keeper Training programme by KAFE UNJ and CDC FE UNJ. She gave us pattern of fate determinants. That concept is so cool ! and she said that..... "Your Feeling affects to Your Thinking and it affects to Your Action, and it affects to Your Behaviour, and it affects to Your Character, and it affects to Your Fate or Destiniy." This statement told us that what you think is who you become. Waw !

We can say fate or destiny with TAKDIR in Indonesian or Qadar in Arabic language. As we know, Rasulullah SAW in HR. Tirmidzi said that "No one can resist taqdir (provision) of Allah SWT except do'a. And no one can add (extend) the age of someone except goodwill."
So GREAT statement...... Now i'm realize that *IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING* Everything can be happened with The Almighty of Allah SWT. I have to be grateful because i am the best creation of Allah SWT. The truth if there is someone said that the grateful people will always be happy. Hmmm.... i'm so inspired of that statement ! If fail, TRY again. If fail again, TRY TRY again. If fail again, JUST TRY TRY and TRY again. Always TRY and don't give up ! Cheeeeeeerrrrr uuuuupppp !!!

My instructor also said that DETERMINATION is very important ! Because of that we have to know deeply about our passion. If we more know about our self, the effort to push our determination can be stronger. We have to make time frame and work vission based on time. We also shoud have DREAMS. High dream, high power. Realize it ! again and again dont give up and don't be pessimist. Just enjoy our live and make all problems become the learning process to reach SUCCESS. Just be CONFIDENT ! In determining our dreams, we should know and do SMART. Hmm... what is SMART ? "Spesific - Measurable - Achievable - Relevant - Timebound" <- that's great tips to sketch our dreams.

Dalam memperhatikan diri, perhatikan juga AKU "Ambisi - Kekuatan - Usaha" 
Oke? Semangaaaattt !


  1. Replies
    1. iyaa... materi dari "pretty young lecturer" bernama Bu destriani keren bgt !
